Apollo Games 2018


Apollo Games 2018

The 2018 Apollo Games – Tick Tock will be a co-ed team competition consisting of one male athlete and one female athlete.

This year there will be four timed events and the overall winner of the games will simply be the team with the lowest combined time for all four events.  Every team will complete in the first three events and the top teams in each division will compete in the final event and have a staggered starting protocol.  The team with the lowest combined score in the first three events will start first.  The next teams will start at the precise time difference by which they follow the front-runner.  Their time for the event will be their finish time minus their start time but the staggered start allows for the overall winner of the Apollo Games to be determined instantly.

We are accepting a limited number of teams so sign up quickly! Choose which division you would like to compete in based on the criteria below.