March 10th, 2016

TBT Josh slamming weights during lasts years open.
Today is Bring A Friend Day!
“Card Game”
Hearts = Sit Ups
Diamonds = Skull Squats (53/36)
Spades = KBS (53/36)
Clubs = Burpees
Jokers = 200 Meter Run
*Number represents repetitions (face cards = 10)
*Suit represents the movement
*Cards are flipped over one at a time
*Entire class completes the repetitions before flipping the next card
*Score is the time it takes class to make it though the deck
Box Brief:
See below for this weeks extra credit. Its about to get weird!
1. Create a 24 x 36 poster for your team to hang at Apollo (5 points)
2. All team members present for each other’s workout (5 points)
3. Post video to Apollo Members page of a different member of your team doing each of the following:
*Dancing in Starbucks (3 points)
*10 Burpees in the Smiths produce section (3 points)
*Handstand hold in front of Cold Stone (3 points)
*Bear Crawl through a movie theater (3 points)
