Friday 1.12.2018

Mike E
Clean & Jerk:
Build to 1 rep max
“Clean Shave”
For Time:
15 Power cleans (135/95)
15 Bar facing burpees
15 Shoulder to overhead (135/95)
15 Bar facing burpees
15 Clean and jerks (135/95)
Box Brief:
As a community we’ve noticed a great desire to improve our gymnastic ability. Due to this we’re very excited to announce the creation of our very own gymnastic progression routine. The movements included are strict ring dips, strict handstand push-ups, strict pull-ups, and strict muscle-ups. To go along with a comprehensive spreadsheet we will also be including videos explaining each progression. We can’t wait to see you each become gymnastic ninjas!
Click Progression Videos or Progression Excel Spreadsheet for everything you need. Of course, if you have any questions, please ask any of your amazing coaches.
