Monday 1.1.2018

Hersh & Brando
“New Year, New You”
For Time:
1000 Meter row
100 Double unders
50 Calorie bike
100 Double unders
1000 Meter run
Box Brief:
Weightlifting clinic is this Saturday at 11:30am. Sign up sheet is on the front desk. Cost is $20 (paid to Ricky).
Skill Clinic is this Thursday!! We skipped last month because of the holidays but it’s time to get back on track. Come this Thursday at 6:30pm to learn about aerobic capacity and how we can train it. Our 6:30 and 7:30pm classes will be cancelled to accommodate.
We’re very excited to open up registration for our six week nutrition challenge! If you would like to kick off the new year right click on this link to get details. Registration opens this week!