Monday 12.9.2019

“Bam Bam”
5, 4-Minute AMRAPs
30/20 Calorie row
30 KBS (53/36)
Max 10 Meter shuttle runs
4-minute rest
Tomorrow’s Forecast:
Tuesday’s workout calls for a thruster strength session.
Quote of the Week:
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
Anne Frank
Box Brief:
Vegetable Challenge starts tomorrow!! Print out the checklist to put it on your fridge and start prepping.
Congrats to Patty for being the December Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Patty.

Congrats on being our December Member of the Month!!! This is one of the most prestigious titles anyone has been given. What is another title of yours that means a lot, and why?
Why thank you, I feel honored! I’d have to say there are two titles that mean a lot to me. First being mom, and second, Ms. Munch (being a teacher and all). I’ve always loved being around kids, I have my daughter (18) and now two step-daughters (8 and 11) that mean so much to me. Also, being a teacher I am able to, hopefully, help other children to learn and help them in difficult years of their life (teaching middle school is more than just teaching content).
You recently got engaged. Congratulations! Everyone loves a good romance. What did you and Richard do on your first date and was it love at first sight?
Kind of, the first time we met it was love at first sight for Richard for sure! He was so blinded by love I ended up having to drive him home that night! He also followed me into the women’s bathroom and the bartender saw and came in to kick him out. Was a very interesting evening! Those close to me know this story already! Ha ha ha! This all happened while I was out having a few drinks with some teacher friends back in October 2016, and have been happily together ever since!
For those that don’t know, you have been struggling with severe back pain for years. What I admire about you is that you don’t let it get in the way of your life. You attend classes at Apollo 4-5 days a week and are always going for hikes or long runs. What makes you so resilient?
I refuse to let it stop me from having fun. I actually love being outdoors and physically active, so I do what I can, and modify what I can’t. It is very frustrating now that I can’t lift as heavy as I used to, and struggle picking up a barbell from the ground, but it is still a great workout with the modifications you recommend. Plus, my back feels worse when I am lazy, I need to move to loosen up.
If you could create a workout for everyone at Apollo to do, what would it be?
I think running a 5k with a wall ball would be awesome! Kidding! I’d hate that! I really like a long burner sometimes, like a 30-40 min AMRAP with a bunch of different movements sometimes. Maybe something like:
30-40 Min AMRAP
200m Run
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Box Jumps
20 Sit-Ups
Would you rather go back to age 5 with everything you know now or know now everything your future self would learn? Why?
I would definitely like to go back to being 5 with all the knowledge I have now. There isn’t a whole lot I would like to change, I love my life, but I would for sure know to avoid injuring my back in 2013, and would not have needed surgery. That one piece of knowledge would make a world of difference to me!
If you could go on “America’s Got Talent”, what would you showcase?
I would probably do great as a comedian imitating middle schoolers. Middle schoolers be like…..
What are your top three most used emojis?
The crying laughing emoji is my first, then the basic smiley face one, following by the kissing emoji. Gosh, I’m basic!