Monday 8.24.2020

12 Minute Ladder:
3, 6, 9, 12, etc…
30 Double Unders
Devil Presses (35s/25s)
Tomorrow’s Forecast:
Tuesday’s workout calls for front squats, running, and handstand push-ups.
Quote of the Week:
“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”
Joshua J. Marine
Box Brief:
We are super excited to announce our CrossFit Kids program starting on the 31st and another Teens class starting next week.
CrossFit Kids (ages 6-12)
CrossFit Kids will be Monday and Wednesday from 10:30 to 11:15. Starting August 31st.
Our goal is to take the fundamental principles of our CrossFit program (General Physical Preparedness) and apply them in a fun way your kids will enjoy. We believe it’s important to instill at a young age, the importance of moving properly and that fitness can be fun. This is why you can expect each of our 45-minute classes to be equal parts learning and fun. The workouts themselves will feel like a game.
Here is the link to register for CrossFit Kids. If this class fills up (Monday/Wednesday) we will add another class for Tuesday and Thursday.
If you have a ZenPlanner account you will Login. If not you will create one.
Choose appropriate CF Kids Membership (the discount is for children of current members)
Click the drop down menu under “Who is signing up” then click “Add a family member”
Follow the instructions from there and repeat for additional children.
Price is $90/$80
Here’s how the Apollo discounts work. The highest value membership pays full price then every membership after that within the same household gets whatever discount rate applies to that person.
Hopefully, you select the right one for your situation. If you don’t we’ll help straighten it out after.
CrossFit Teens (ages 13-18)
We are adding another teen class!!! Starting August 24th all teen classes will meet at 2:30 pm. We will divide our teens into two groups, both meeting 3 times a week.
Group A – Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
Group B – Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
You can sign your teens up in person next time you’re in the gym.
This program always fills up fast so get in while you can. We are allowing 20 teens in each class (40 total).
Last but not least…
These programs are open to any kids or teens in the Vegas valley who want to get git and have a great time doing it. Please share with non-members if you believe their kids would enjoy it.