Sunday 5.1.2016


Sunday 5.1.2016


Box Brief:
So begins our No Sugar Challenge!  I believe we are all up to the task and I can’t wait to see the effects it has on everyone participating.  The article I’ve chosen for this week discusses the positive effects you feel from eliminating sugar in your diet.  It also cites a great deal of research that is proving more and more how detrimental sugar can be to a healthy lifestyle.  I hope you enjoy Addicts and Anecdotes by Emily Beers.

I wanted to post some meal suggestions to go along with this Sunday’s blog.  I have an article I reference for my own meals all the time.  Here is the disclaimers I will throw out before you read it though.  It’s written for the purpose of a “zone diet” but I wouldn’t get too fixated on that.  It has some great meal ideas that I hope will make your shopping and food prepping a little easier for the first week of our challenge.  Click here for some awesome meal ideas!

I have this video that I really enjoy, of course it’s nutrition related but honestly what better time?  For a lot of us (myself included) we try to make a healthy diet more complicated than it needs to be.  Now this isn’t to promote one diet over another but rather to remind us how simple it can be to eat healthy and enjoy the process at the same time.

1 Response

  1. My brother did great on SBeach…I chose Sugar Busters…similar to So. Beach, but allot more user-friendly! I lost allot on Sugar Busters and love the plan…it’s a good one. (I was older than you when I started it and was delighted!)