Tuesday 12.11.2018

7 Minute Ladder:(3/3. 6/6, 9/9, 12/12, etc.)
Deadlifts (225/155)
Bar over burpees
4 Rounds:
30 Second Chinese plank face down
30 Second Chinese plank face up
Box Brief:
Congrats to Marie Martelly for being the December Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Marie.

Thank you so much for agreeing to be the member of the month. I’m super excited for everyone to get to know you a little better. Let’s start the interview!
When did you start CrossFit? And how did you find Apollo?
I tried CrossFit on a whim in 2015 when Ryan was on a month-long training trip. I loved it and decided to keep it up after we moved to Vegas 3 years ago. Our friends Mel and John Tucciarone had moved here a few months before we did and told us Apollo was the place to be. They were already seasoned CrossFitters so we took their advice and stuck with it because Apollo is the best!
Most people at Apollo don’t know you’re a very talented artist. Of all the art you’ve created, what is your favorite?
Thank you! I’m not sure I could pick one favorite because they’re all so personal, but one of the projects I’m most proud of recently is my art installation in the back of house area at The Cosmopolitan. It’s called “Beyond the Call of Duty,” and honors their veteran and military spouse employees. As a military spouse it means so much when businesses and communities pay tribute to not only the military members but also their families, who are constantly uprooting and resettling.

Congratulations on the birth of your amazing son Wes! As a fellow Wes I’ll try not to diminish the name. How is life as a Mom?
It’s amazing! Wes is the best.
What is something about you people would be surprised to know?
I speak French and am half French-Canadian.
You worked out through your entire pregnancy. What were some of the challenges? Do you have any advice for the future Moms at Apollo?
Some days tying my shoes was the challenge. Other days it was realizing that I could no longer lift my weight and do a pull up, or jog 200 meters. My advice would be to listen to your body, and obviously your doctor, and don’t set expectations for yourself based on someone else’s experience. Ask for tips from coaches and other moms who’ve been through it. There are so many great modifications out there for every workout! For me, staying active was so important for my energy and my mood, and helped give me more confidence when I was in labor.
If you were a movie character, who would you be and why?
Can I be Oprah? I just really want to be Oprah.
What would you choose as your last meal? If you had to eat the same meal everyday would you choose something different?
Poutine! It might give me a heart attack on the spot anyways. For everyday? Brinner with cheese grits. Or ramen. I’ve been on a huge ramen kick lately. This question is too hard.
If you could speak to one type of animal, what would it be?
Definitely unicorns.