Tuesday 5.26.2020

400 Meter run
Samson stretch (6 repetitions)
Inch worms (3 repetitions)
High knees (10 meters down)
Karaoke (10 meters down and back)
For Time:
20 – 16 – 12 – 8 – 4
Alternating dumbbell snatch (50/35)
30 Double unders
4 – 8 – 12 – 16 – 20
Alternating dumbbell clean & jerks (50/35)
30 Double unders
Movement Considerations
Alternating dumbbell snatch & alternating dumbbell clean and jerk – Pick a weight that feels light. Staying unbroken each set would be a great goal.
Double unders – Your sets of jump rope should take 30 seconds or less. Modify to single unders and double the repetitions if needed.
Cool Down
Wide leg forward bend (1 minute)
Figure four stretch (30 seconds each side)
Calf stretch (30 seconds each side)