Wednesday 11.4.2020

Back Rack Reverse Lunge
Build to a heavy set of 4
For Time:
50 Double Unders
100 Lunges
50 Double Unders
50 Kettlebell Lunges (53/36)
50 Double Unders
25 Double Kettlebell Lunges (53s/36s)
50 Double Unders
Tomorrow’s Forecast:
Thursday’s workout calls for sumo deadlifts, running, kettlebell swings and sit-ups.
Box Brief:
Congrats to Micah for being the November Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Micah.

Congratulations on becoming Member of the Month! You’ve been part of this community for a long time, so I’m glad we finally made this happen. The gym wouldn’t be the same without you. I could go on and on about how great you are, but let’s get to the questions!
The majority of your workouts end in a puddle of sweat and you laying on the floor gasping for air. You know how to push yourself during a workout. What gets you to push so hard everyday?
I believe coach Cole would put up a strong argument that I spend most of my time complaining about WOD’s rather than putting in the work! Being raised as an athlete my entire life, working hard is built into my core. I was always told you get what you work for and I never wanted to fall short because of my effort. Effort is the one thing that is always in my control. As a young man losing was my greatest motivation to work hard. I’ve always been an athlete that hated losing more then I enjoyed winning. But now that I’ve gotten older my motivation to work hard is my family. I stay in shape so I can be active with my children and want to lead them by example. PS. You cant judge my effort from sweating and breathing hard, that happens after warm-up most the time!
It’s no secret you like workouts with a barbell and you want the weight heavy. What is your athletic background? Do you contribute that to your love of lifting?
As a young boy my father raised me to be an all around athlete. He pushed me to play every sport I wanted too and I definitely took advantage. I played as many as 6 sports at a time and my poor mother drove me none stop, from one practice or game to another. Once I was 16 my dad said it was time for me to pick 1 sport and play the highest levels I could reach. So that year I chose to go all in with Ice hockey and moved to Vail, Co to start my career. After that first season everything went by like a blur. The next year I moved to Chilliwack, BC and played 2 years with the Chilliwack Chiefs (this is when I meet my future wife!). Then my second year in Chilliwack I received a Division 1 full ride athletic scholarship to play for University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO). I played 4 years at UNO and then moved home playing a few games for the ECHL Wranglers before I retired. My love for lifting started when I was 17 and living in Chilliwack. This was the first time a made a full commitment to lifting and had massive gains. I went from 175LB little boy to a 210LB man in 12 months. After that I was hooked and never stopped. PS. This was great at 17 but now I’m old and cant stop gaining weight!
Some folks may not realize you own and operate Crystal Palace here in town. What’s it like running a skating rink?
Owning and operating a roller skating rink is very difficult at times but I love every minute of it. My parents have been in the roller skating business for over 40 years and they have taught me everything they have learned. The daily grind of owning your own business can be exhausting but I love having the chance to entertain families and could not imagine doing anything else with my life.
Have you ever been in a dance battle on skates at Crystal Palace? If you have, did you win?
Haha, yes I have been in many skate battles in my day. And did I win? Of course I won, my parents owned the rink. I was not allowed to lose! And I’m still waiting for Chad to post a WOD done on skates so I can beat LeeAnn and JD!
If my math is correct you’ve been a dad for almost one year! What surprised you the most about being a new father?
There is truly nothing that can prepare you for the rush of emotions when your first child is born. The biggest surprise for me was how much you instantly fall in love your baby. As soon as Gracelyn came into the world my entire understanding of love changed forever. It’s a feeling that you can only experience and never be told how it feels. I’ve played hockey in arenas packed with 15,000 screaming fans and its a distant 2nd to the birth of my baby girl.
You have a baby boy on the way too. What’s one attribute of yours that you would like to pass on to him? What’s one attribute you want to make sure doesn’t get passed on?
My guy answer to this question is I want my boy to be big, strong and athletic like his father. But once I really think about it, I just want my boy to have a kind heart like his mother. That’s the best attribute he could ever receive. The one attribute I hope my child does not get is his fathers stubbornness. If he gets this trait he will have a lot of hard lessons in his future.
What is your favorite hockey or skating related movie?
There is only 1 answer for your last question, the greatest hockey move ever made Slap Shot!