Wednesday 6.5.2019
“Lead Foot”
5 Minute AMRAP:
Buy In – 50/35 Calorie row
10 Bar facing burpees
10 Clean and jerks (135/95)
5-Minute Rest
5 Minute AMRAP:
Buy In – 40/30 Calorie Row
10 Bar facing burpees
7 Clean and jerks (155/105)
5-Minute Rest
5 Minute AMRAP:
Buy In – 30/20 Calorie row
10 Bar facing burpees
4 Clean and jerks (185/125)
Tomorrow’s Forecast:
Thursday’s workout consist of double unders, push-ups, toes to bar, and rope climbs.
Box Brief:
If you have mobility restrictions related to the squat now is the perfect time to address them. The strength program for the next three weeks involves squatting. Make it a goal to improve your mobility and body position!