


January 26th, 2012

“Open WOD 11.4”

10 Minute AMRAP

  • 60-Bar Facing Burpees
  • 30-OverHead Squats (120/90 lbs)
  • 10-Muscle Ups

“Ill show you my Jerk if you show me your snatch”

-Lisa Morales

CrossFit Las Vegas

1 Response

  1. I just back- logged my food for the weekned and Monday(couldn’t comment on Sat so it’s on Sunday’s).Food today:B- hb egg, 1 banana, 2 nectarines, red grapesL- paleo shepherd’s pie (1 cup of veggies per serving) and 1 cup of green beansS- hb egg and appleD- roast beef and 1 cup of peas.S- plan to squeeze in an extra vegetable (carrots) TBDThat’s 3 or 4 veggies. I’ll send the official # to my winning team’s coach. I’m coming in for Fran tonight! Is it better to come at 7 or 8? Is 8 less crowded? I don’t want to get in the way on the pullup bars since you’ll need them for the WOD.