


Rest Day- Meal of the Week

Cream of Tomato Basil Soup

Courtesy of PaleoDietLifestyle.com


For the full recipe go to link: http://paleodietlifestyle.com/cream-of-tomato-basil-soup/

Yesterday was a great day at CrossFit Apollo. The grand opening went very well. It was a great workout, great food and a whole lot of fun. Again thanks to everyone that made this happen.
Because of thanksgiving our schedule will be different this week. There will only be one class on Thursday and Friday this week at 9am. Saturday will run as normal with a 9am class and a 11am class.

CrossFit Las Vegas

1 Response

  1. just want to thank the 2 guys that pushed me turghoh my last round on tuesday. don’t think i’ve recovered yet o_O thanks! i know the paleo lifestyle has improved my performance. i learned it the hard way. we had a non paleo meal monday night and a really bad performance tuesday. yet, when i eat paleo i don’t have this problem. i feel better all around when eating paleo thanks for introducing me to it well worth it and i plan to share this way of eating with others.