


June 17th, 2013

A) 20 Minute AMRAP:

  • 10-C2B Pull Ups
  • 15-KBS(54/36)
  • 20-Skull Squats (54/36)
  • B) Cool Down/Weekly Mobility

    Alright guys we are going to Flip N’ Out on Saturday the 29th from 10:30am-12:30. We will be having a lot of fun on the massive trampolines, laser tag, rock climbing and much more. The more people we get to sign up the cheaper it becomes. We are looking between $5-$10 a person. This gives you all access to every part of there facility until 12:30.

    Please sign up at the front desk so we can get an idea of who is showing up. We will be canceling the 11am class for ONLY that Saturday.


    SealFit is Back!! Starting Saturday July 6th at 12:30pm. Ask your coach if you think you are ready before attending. This is an advanced class. There will be little to no instruction on movement. Just getting after it :)There will not be a warm up. You will be expected to be warmed up on your own and be ready to go AT 12:30.

    CrossFit kids will be cancelled this Friday. Chad and Courtney will be in Utah for a CrossFit competition. We will resume our normal schedule Monday afternoon.