


June 5th, 2012

30 Minute AMRAP:

  • 10-Box Jumps (24/20)
  • 20-Squats
  • 30-Sit Ups

“Every day is Hip Hop day at Apollo”

-Jay James

Just a reminder—–Our afternoon class schedule has changed to 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, and 7.00 Mon-Fri starting this week!!! :0


1 Response

  1. Anthony

    Whats going on my people, having a good time out here in Florida found a gym out here called the fieldhouse gym. They let me workout for free, they are kicking my butt. We maxed out on shoulder presses really strict form. I pressed 166lbs. I was feeling a little weak today. then we did a workout

    7 boxjumps
    7 kettlebell
    many as we could do in 7min.
    I did 4+7+7

    Going back tomorrow