Independence Day
Happy Independence Day WOD!!!
- If you would like to donate to CrossFits “Hope For Cures” then go to link: http://hope.crossfit.com/cures
- CrossFit Kids new schedule starts tomorrow. Pre K(3-5yrs old) will be Tuesday&Thursday at 10:15am. Kids(6-12yrs old) will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2pm. Our new Teens(13-17yrs old) class will be Monday-Thursday at 3pm.
- We will only be open for our morning classes on Thursday July 4th. So come to 5am, 9am or 11am. Friday will run as normal.
- SealFit is Back!! Starting Saturday July 6th at 12:30pm. Ask your coach if you think you are ready before attending. This is an advanced class. There will be little to no instruction on movement. Just getting after it
There will not be a warm up. You will be expected to be warmed up on your own and be ready to go AT 12:30.