


August 20th, 2014
A) 5-5-5-5-5—Back Squat @85% of 1RM

B) Find a 1RM Push Jerk

Apollo Games is back!!! Save the date. October 11th.

Paleo Challenge!We have decided to participate in the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge this year rather than host a separate one. It is a national challenge which provides tons of support and incentive to do well. You can find all of the details at the website below, but here are a few highlights:

1. This is a 2 month challenge (!) beginning September 15th and ending November 19th.

2. This challenge allows you to compare yourself to people across the country, as well as athletes in our own gym.

3. There will be prizes from Lurong Living and from Apollo

4. Registration is $50, our gym has already set up an affiliate

For more information regarding rules and the point system, visit http://www.lurongliving.com/challenge/ and sign up now!

Apollo Member Appreciation Event

We are in the process of planning an event to celebrate the best part of Apollo, our members! The date should be locked in any day now, but the plan as of now is mid-September. We will be hosting a pool party extravaganza with lots of food and fun. This event will also be a great way for everyone to get to know each other and meet people from classes you never attend (5:15, who are you guys??) More details will be announced soon so stay posted!