


August 7th, 2012

A)Skill: Squat Clean

B)For Time:

  • 45-Double Unders
  • 45-Squat Cleans (135/95)
  • 45-Ring Dips
  • 45-Double Unders

"31 Heroes"

CrossFit Apollo Competition Saturday August 25th!!! There will be a $5 entry fee for membrers, $10 for non-members to cover prizes for the 3 male and 3 female winners. There are three different experience levels of competition so that everyone can participate.. We would like every single person in the gym to join the competition. It will be a potluck.

If you want to join in on the fun. You must RSVP before August 18th. Either come in and RSVP or email us at info@crossfitapollo.com.


1 Response

  1. *Sue owned the Open WOD, she scaled the whegit to 15kg (only 10kg off R’xd), and with that whegit she matched the best our Australian region had. Yes I know it was scaled so she didnt really match it, but holy heck with a good 6mths training before that kind of WOD, she would have been R’xd. It must be mentioned she has only been CrossFitting for a couple of months!ResultsFront SquatVinnie 50/60/70/80/90kgWiremu 30/40/50/60/70kgJeremy 30/40/50/55/60kgChris 30/40/45/45/50kgSue 20/25/30/32.5/35kgDiane 20/22.5/25/30/32.5kgRaewyn 11/13/11kgCrossFit Games Open 11.1Sue 396 reps (30 DU, 15kg Power Snatch)Wiremu 195 reps (15 DU, 25kg Power Snatch)Chris 197 reps (15 DU, 20kg Power Snatch)Jeremy 187 reps (100 singles, 30kg for 1rnd, 25kg Power Snatch)Vinnie 180 reps (100 singles, 25kg Power Snatch)Diane 186 reps (100 singles, 11kg Power Snatch)Raewyn 38 (20 singles, 10 x 8kg Power Snatch, 1min rest between rnds)