


September 11th, 2013
A) Back Squats

  • 5@45% of 1RM
  • 5@55%
  • 5@65%
  • 5@75%
  • 3@85%
  • 1+@95%
  • **Once you finish your set at 95% go all the way back where you came from, ending with 5@45%
    **Please have your weights figured out before coming in the gym to help speed things up.
    **If you don’t know your 1Rep, then you will spend this time finding one.

    B) 10 Minute AMRAP:

  • C2B Pull Ups
  • Wall Balls (20/14)
  • **The reps must be performed in equal numbers between exercises
    **Every time that you switch exercises, you must do 35 double-unders.

    The Zone Challenge is over. A few people were out of town this past weekend and will be doing the WOD & turning in their books by Wednesday. We’ll announce the winners Thursday.