21 Jul /0 Comments/WODS & NEWS 7-22-2014 July 22nd, 2014 3 Minute AMRAP: 20-Calorie Row 30-Wall Balls (20/14) 20-T2B 30-Box Jumps (24/20) 20-SDLHP (72/36) 30-Burpees 20-Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) Sled Drag **Rest 1 Minute 6 Minute AMRAP: 20-Calorie Row 30-Wall Balls (20/14) 20-T2B 30-Box Jumps (24/20) 20-SDLHP (72/36) 30-Burpees 20-Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) Sled Drag **2 Minute Rest For Time: 20-Calorie Row 30-Wall Balls (20/14) 20-T2B 30-Box Jumps (24/20) 20-SDLHP (72/36) 30-Burpees 20-Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) Sled Drag The CrossFit Games start this Wednesday!!! Go to Games.CrossFit.com for all the coverage.