December 15th, 2014
A) 1-1-1-1-1—Back Squat
B) Max Reps @87% of today’s 1RM
C) 1 Mile run
**This is not for time. This is a jog.
Apollo did a great job at the Axle CrossFit Showdown today! Men’s RX: Eddy Gifford finished in 2nd, Chris Gifford in 4th. Women’s RX: Kristin Gifford finished in 2nd and Stacy Brinkman got 3rd. Cyndi F took 4th place. Anthony L competed and did great in men’s scaled division. Suzanne S was one slot away from podium in women’s scaled.
Thanks to everyone who came out and ran the Jungle Bell 5k with us this morning! It was a great time and we look forward to doing it next year.