Monday 7.15.2024


Monday 7.15.2024


Bulgarian Split Squats
4 x 8 (each side)

For Time:

30 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
7 Minute cut-off

Quote of the Week:
“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.”
Sam Levenson

Box Brief:
Join us this Saturday from 8am-12 to hit 1 Rep Max Lifts in the Back Squat, Deadlift, and Bench Press with a BBQ starting at 10am. We will have big lifts, delicious food and drinks, and good vibes. This will not be run like a normal class. We will put a warm-up on the board and coaches will be there to assist. Take your time and have fun as we put an exclamation point on the conclusion of the 12 week strength cycle. Family and friends are welcome. See you there!