Monday 2.10.2020

Romanian Deadlift
Moderate set of 6
“Cheaper by the Dozen”
12 Minute Ladder:
3/3, 6/6, 9/9, etc…
Deadlift (205/145)
Toes to bar
Tomorrow’s Forecast:
Tuesday’s workout calls for bike, row and shuttle runs.
Box Brief:
The Habitap Challenge starts today! It’s not too late to sign up. Click here to join us as we create better nutrition, sleep, hydration and exercise habits.
Congrats to Stephy for being the February Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Stephy.

We’re so happy you agreed to be our February “Member of the Month” aka- letting us dive into your soul. So, let’s see if we can find out what makes Stephy tick!
Okay, so most of us try not to be too horribly jealous regarding your gymnastic ability. I mean, who does handstand walks so straight as an arrow?! It’s the coolest thing to watch. Where does this mad skill come from? A deal with the devil perhaps? If so, could I get his contact info?
Going upside down is one best feelings ever! I was in the sport of gymnastics for 10 years. Once a gymnast always a gymnast , but making a deal with the devil? Not yet until he guarantees me a win at the CrossFit Games
You have 3 beautiful children. They’re still little but what do you think is the best part of raising kids so far?
I think the best part of being a mom is when your little one looks up at you and just smiles and stares because they know you are their person. Like nobody else is as important as you. They know that you have them like nobody else ever will. The connection is indescribable.
What do you appreciate about having them early in life?
By the time I’m 30 years young I’ll be having teenagers
You’ve been doing CrossFit for a while and still making great strides. Why CrossFit? What keeps you motivated?
It all started with wanting to lose weight…it worked! Constantly being able to see the progress, but more importantly it connected me with gymnastics once again.. it brought out my competitiveness. Every work out challenges me like gymnastics did.. no routine in CrossFit or gymnastics is a walk in the park.
Tell us something about you that might surprise us or that we don’t know? Feel free to elaborate.
I was a 5 time Nevada State Champion in gymnastics….I’m eager to stand on a podium again.
If you could hang out with any person living or dead who would it be and why?
I’ve met many fascinating people in my life… but one person I would like to hang out with would be THE ONE & ONLY CHAD COLE. Why? He’s been to a place I would like to one day go.. definitely would like to know what it takes to get there..I mean if anyone has his contact info shoot it over! Or should I ask the Devil for it?
(I think we could make this happen for you Stephy. The Chad part I mean. Haha)
What do you like to do for fun?
Be a tourist in my own city & traveling with friends…. Let’s not forget getting lit with members of the Apollo family.