Monday 2.13.2017

3:30pm class
Keep adding 3 reps to each movement until time expires.
Box Brief:
Weightlifting Clinic is this Thursday at 6:30pm. The 6:30 and 7:30pm classes will be cancelled to accommodate. Cost is $20.
People are wondering when we are hosting the Open workouts during the open. Here it is!
Thursday – 6:30pm-Close we will set up heats and judges after the announcement. No official classes will be run but anyone and everyone is welcome to do the Open workouts at this time. This will be our “Thursday Night Lights”.
Friday – All classes will be programmed as Goat Day. 20 Minute AMRAP of practicing two different movements. This will be a great opportunity for athletes competing on Saturday to hone in their skills before they attempt the workout.
Saturday – 9am-Close we will set up heats and judges. Sign up sheets for heats are available at 8:30am. So if you want to be in the first couple heats, you’ll need to show up early. This is typically our biggest day of competing. If you want high energy and excitement then Saturday is your day. Come cheer on your friends or throw down along side them. Either way, Saturday is a ton of fun!
Sunday – 9am-11am we will set up heats and judges. We will turn off the lights at 11 so plan on being done before then. Do not show up at 11!! 🙂
Monday – You are more than welcome to give the workout another go on Monday but you need to find your own judge to count and record your time.