Monday 3.12.2018

4 Rounds:
21 Wall balls (20/14)
15 Deadlifts (225/155)
Box Brief:
Congrats to Sam Carrillo for being the March Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Sam.

Sam C
Congratulations on becoming Member of the Month! This is a very prestigious position that comes with fame, high fives, and a really cool picture of you on the blog. I’m excited to ask you these questions and shed some light on who is Sam.
Are you originally from Las Vegas? If so, what was it like growing up here? If not, where are you from and what brought you here?
I am not originally from Vegas I was born in Provo, Utah. I moved here in 1985 at a young age when my dad got a job with the city of Las Vegas, without giving my age away I won’t say how old I was. I graduated High School here (Eldorado), it was much smaller here then. I enjoyed growing up here, I have heard many people say they don’t want or like that their kids are growing up here. But I think I turned out alright and have seen many of my friends go on the be successful here. Vegas is unique and I had a lot of fun growing up here.
I wanted to thank you for your service working for Las Vegas Metropolitain Police Department. What’s that job like? Take me through as “normal” of a day as you might have.
You are welcome, I enjoy serving the people and visitors of this city. A “normal” day you ask? There is never ever a normal day. But it does have some consistencies. I’m in K9 so I load up the dogs(yes they live with me) and head out onto the streets. I’m valley wide and don’t have to stick to one area, I like that a lot. I respond to burglaries, robberies, shootings, when officers find occupied stolen vehicles and when people run and get away from officers. I only respond to the “hot” calls. Some shifts are slow and other times I will be on a call and another area needs the dog.
What do you like best about working with your police dog, and what do you find most challenging about having a dog for a partner?
What I like most is the bond I have with my dogs, I spend more time with them then I do with anyone else. I work with them 40 hrs a week and they live with me as well. Dogs are wonderful creatures their love for you is more than they love themselves and all they want to do is please you. For police work they can smell what us humans can not. This is big for safety reasons, I have found many people hiding that took me a few minutes to see when my dog has been barking at it forever. A big challenge is having to do the same work as a police officer and also working the dog. A police dog is a use of force tool. Unlike the other use of force tools mine has a brain of it’s own and can think and that’s not always good.
You also have a Military background! What branch were you in? And what was your job in the service?
Yes I served in the United States Marine Corps reserves (Siemper Phi). I was an Infantry Motorman, the big tubes that shoot bombs from them. Had some good times but I sure don’t miss packing them around.
You’ve been a part of the Apollo community for a while. What originally got you to walk through the doors?
A friend of mine invited me to come and do the last workout that David VanBuskirk a fallen officer had done. It was running with a wall ball and burpee pull-ups. It was really hard but I enjoyed it. I thought wow this gives you a complete workout. Jay and Billy were talking about a workout at work shortly after that and I asked them about it. Billy said I should come join Apollo and said how great of a gym it was. After a few weeks I got the courage and walked in and I was hooked. I don’t even remember what my first workout was come to think about it.
I’m fortunate enough to see you train on a regular basis. You’ve been consistently improving in every area of your fitness. What’s your motivation? Also, any secrets to your success?
Well thank you for noticing, I have all the great coaches and members here to thank for that. My job is physically demanding. Since I have been coming here I have seen and felt how it helps me with my job. I have to be able to keep up with the youngsters who run from the police. I look at coming here as “me time” I get to come and improve on myself both physically and mentally, it’s a stress release. Plus I love getting PR’s and seeing my times improve, I mean who doesn’t. I don’t have any secrets or magic pills. I always work on the area’s I’m weak at or the movements I hate doing. I was horrible at pull-ups so I constantly worked on getting better at them and I’ve improved on them. Same goes for cleans, still not good at them but I work on them whenever I come to open gym and I make sure I get to the gym if they are programmed in the workout. Wall balls and double unders, hate them, hate them. But I don’t avoid them I always make sure I come in if they are in the workout. I believe in always working on your weaknesses and facing your fears.
Okay, now for some fun questions. What’s your favorite ’90s jam?
Are you saying I’m old? I might of been born in the 90’s and as a young child don’t remember them. Well you’re right I do remember the 90’s. My favorite jam would be anything Nirvana and early Pearl Jam. I was definitely into the grunge scene, no long hair but I may of had a flannel or two or three.
If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
That’s a good one, let me think. Han Solo, and why you might ask. He has an awesome ship, gets to zip around the galaxy and I love to fly. He also has a cool sidekick who only he understands.