Monday 3.2.2020

“Helen Pyramid”
For Time:
1200 Meter run
63 KBS (53/36)
36 Pull-ups
800 Meter run
42 KBS
24 Pull-ups
400 Meter run
21 KBS
12 Pull-ups
Tomorrow’s Forecast:
Tuesday’s workout calls for back squat and bench press.
Quote of the Week:
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
Walt Disney
Box Brief:
Congrats to Guy for being the March Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Guy.

Congrats on being the March Member of the Month! You have been on our radar for a while and we are excited for our community to get to know how awesome you are.
You have been a regular at the 5:15 am class now for over a year! How did you get started in CrossFit and what keeps you coming back to Apollo?
I actually thought about joining for a long time. I live really close to CrossFit Apollo, and drove by it many times. I reached a point in my life where I felt the exercise routine I was doing wasn’t really getting me results. So, I joined CrossFit. I keep coming back, because it has challenged me more than anything I’ve ever done. Before I joined, I was concerned I wasn’t going to be able to keep up with the other athletes in the class. I love the fact that I don’t really have to. I’m challenging myself more than trying to keep up with anyone else. Everyone has been so supportive. It feels more like a family than a gym.
Rumor has it… You’re in a band. Is this true? If so, what’s the band name? What instrument do you play? Where can we come watch you guys tear it up?
I am! My band’s name is The Circuit Benders. We play all covers, mostly rock and alternative, from nearly every decade. We play songs from the 1970’s (e.g., David Bowie, AC/DC, The Clash), the 1980’s (e.g., The Cure, Talking Heads, Beastie Boys), the 1990’s (e.g., Foo Fighters, Green Day, Stone Temple Pilots), and the 2000’s (e.g., The Black Keys, Royal Blood, Muse). I play bass guitar and sing lead on some of the songs. We don’t have a regular place that we play, but we are always looking for gigs.
Tell us what a normal jam session looks like with your band when you’re not performing? Are you guys having a few social drinks or is it all business?
Our rehearsals are pretty focused. We usually will work through our sets (we have five sets of about 12-15 songs each, plus some reserve songs we can plug in), or focus on some songs that we still need to tighten up. What I love about this band is that there are no egos. We genuinely have fun, even when we don’t have an audience. We’re all in our 40s, except our drummer, who is in his 50s. We all have full-time jobs outside of The Circuit Benders. We just love to play music for people and are under no illusions about getting signed or touring or any of that. As for the social drinks, we have been known to toss back a brew after our rehearsals :).
What is the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you? Don’t hold back!
A few embarrassing things I have had happen while playing on stage. One time, I was rocking out to a song, and my cable popped out of my bass mid-song. So, I had to casually reach down and plug it back in, hoping no one would notice. Probably my biggest embarrassment, though, happened at my wedding. I wore an all-white tuxedo. When I went to the tuxedo rental place, the clerk told me I was supposed to wear black socks. So, stupid me was out there dancing with my black socks and white tux. My wife still teases me about that to this day.
Describe your absolute perfect day.
That’s a really tough question. I’ve had a whole lot of perfect moments – vacations with my wife, playing my bass in front of people, winning a flag football championship, or even just chilling at home with a book in my hand and my cat on my lap. I guess the perfect day would be one where I can do all of that. Either that or a day when I don’t have to do thrusters at CrossFit. LOL.
Would you rather have, more time or more money? Why?
I would much rather have more time. Money is essential for paying bills, putting food on the table, etc., but it’s not the key to happiness for me. As long as I have enough to be able to do the things I want to do, see the places I want to see, etc., I’m good.
Time, however, is a precious commodity. Having time to spend with my family, with my bandmates, with my friends, on the flag football field, and at CrossFit, those moments provide precious memories. Who wouldn’t want more time for that?