Monday 5.8.2017

10 Minute AMRAP:
5 Deadlifts (315/205)
10 Ring push-ups
Box Brief:
Beginning June 1st we are officially changing membership software systems to ZenPlanner. ZenPlanner not only offers a much more user friendly interface to manage your membership details but also provides WOD TRACKING!!! You can now log your workouts and PRs alongside everyone else in the gym. The app will help guide your working sets on heavy lifting days, update you on the current gym leader board and allows you to easily track your progress.
Congrats to Steve Gonzales for being the May Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Steve.

Steve G
Congrats Steve. You have been selected to join the prestigious and celebrated group of “Apollo Members of the Month”!! Everyone is waiting with baited breath for the inside look on what makes “The Steve” tick.
Where did you grow up and how did that area influence you? Are you a gangsta from LA, a redneck from the swamps of Alabama, a big city New York boy, a Texas shit kicker or a mountain man from Tennessee?
I grew up in Whittier, CA so you know I am a Gangsta from LA! I would say my laid back personality came from Whittier where the girls are prettier.
How long have you lived in Vegas? What’s your favorite thing about Vegas?
I have lived in Vegas for 3 years, my favorite thing about Vegas is that there is always something going on. Any day of the week you can go and do something different.
Your better half Aimee is really competitive and always trying to egg you on but you play it cool. Competition isn’t your thing. What was your motivation for starting CrossFit and how do you think it’s helped you in the past year?
Why did you have to bring Aimee into this?!?! This is my time to shine!!!!! Lol!
We watched the Crossfit Games in 2015 and I wanted to look like the Rich Froning’s and Chad Cole’s. I visited two other gyms in the area and they drank the Crossfit Kool-aid a little too hard for me, I wanted a gym that was more laid back. I met Chad the first time we walked in, came to a class almost died and I was sold! Crossfit has helped me at my job, I can now lift transmissions off the floor and jack without assistance like a beast… BEAST MODE!!!!
You used to cuss and whip the crap out of yourself trying to learn double unders. What advice would you give the masses that struggle with this movement?
First off, I didn’t know anyone could hear me cussing and second I didn’t think Monica would rat me out! What happens in 730 class stays in 730 class. Lol! Advice that I would give, stick with it and listen for the rhythm of the rope. When I finally figured that out I was good.
Would you rather be a bird that can’t fly or a fish that can’t swim?
I would rather be a fish that can’t swim…because I am the type of guy who goes with the flow.
If you could live in any time period when would it be and why? What would you be doing there?
I would want to live in the 60’s. “Blast from the Past” is one of my favorite movies. It seems like the least stressful time period where people attended cocktail parties and dinner parties with their neighbors. People actually talked to each other!
What is your spirit animal and why?
A Beaver- They are the only animals that say “F*ck yo creek, I want a pond”
Define happiness in your words.
Days that I wake up and have nothing to do, the day is absolutely free to do whatever…oh and going to the 730 class of course!