Monday 6.11.2018

“Mr. Clean”
20 Minute Ladder
1 Power clean (205/145) + 1 Muscle-up
2 Power cleans + 2 Muscle-ups
3 Power cleans + 3 Muscle-ups
4 Power cleans + 4 Muscle-ups
Keep adding 1 rep to each exercise after each round is complete.
Box Brief:
Congrats to Amy Gearin for being the June Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Amy.

Amy G
Congratulations on being the June Member of the Month! I’m so excited for the community to learn a little bit more about you.
Thanks so much! I was SO excited when you asked me and a bit shocked! I felt like I just got voted #promqueen!
We’ve know each other for a while, and ever since day one I’ve been so impressed with your athleticism. What is your athletic background?
It’s funny you say that. I always thought growing up that I was super UN-ATHLETIC. My dad tried to get me to play softball and tennis and I was terrible at them both. I played a season of baseball but only because I was the tallest girl in the freshman class and they needed someone to standing there in the middle and put their arms up. I ended up in dance, gymnastics and cheer-leading and was much better at that. When I was in college and grad school, I pretty much just ran a few miles a day and would go to the gym at my apartment and try to ‘lift weights’ or do super cheesy TAEBO and Cindy Crawford workout videos. After I moved to Las Vegas, I got into endurance sports like long distance running, cycling and triathlons. I started CrossFit in 2011 and really liked the challenge it gave me.
What brought you to CrossFit Apollo?
I first tried Crossfit around 2010 with Ashley Russo. Her friend Elizabeth Cole invited us to go to her parents garage and workout with some other girls. Her brother coached us and told us all about hero and girl WOD’s. This was back in the day when Chad still wore mis-matched tube socks on the regular. I ended up at another CrossFit gym to start out but had a punch card at Apollo and would drop in often. The Cole’s were always so welcoming and it was just such a fun environment. I still feel like that. I look forward daily to seeing my Apollo family.
It’s been almost one year since you became a mom! What’s one of your favorite things about parent life? And, what is the biggest change you’ve seen from Mack during this first year?
Being a parent is the greatest adventure. I love watching Mack learn and grow. I can literally see him learn things and appreciate seeing the world through his eyes. There is so much that we take for granted everyday- the color of leaves, the texture of grass, eating a new food, a light turning on and off. He lights up when he figures out things and it is THE BEST. It’s crazy how such a little tiny human can steal your heart and change your life.
You worked out through your pregnancy and still kicked my butt on most workouts. Any words of advice for those pregnant and still wanting to train?
I think that every woman and her pregnancy is different. I do think that it is important for women to be active and healthy during that time. I think that it is important for them to take modifications based on how they are feeling. I knew how comfortable I was with pushing things and what I wasn’t comfortable with. Everyone should know that the coaches at Apollo are great and VERY willing to help with modifications for pregnancy or injury. I think that people think that if they can’t do something, they should skip the WOD. There is always a modification for every instance!
What’s it like running your own dental practice?
It’s both challenging and rewarding. I love the autonomy of being able to work how I want to work and doing what I enjoy. It is a constant learning process. I really love being able to help people become more healthy and live a better life. It sounds silly because you might think of it as ‘just teeth’.. but I enjoy building a personal relationship with my team and our patients. We have people that thank us all the time for changing their lives.
You’re a wife, mom, business owner, nutrition coach, and still make time to come to the gym. It’s very inspiring to see you make it a priority. What motivates you to come to Apollo and workout every day?
I think that life is all about balance. Working out makes me feel good, it relieves stress, and keeps me healthy. The people at Apollo are my family and seeing them daily and talking to them is enjoyable to me. I really believe that having a routine is important and the gym is just something that is a huge part of my life.
If you had to pick your favorite workout, what would it be?
There are lots of workouts that I really like but I definitely have a ‘type’. Favorite hero is Holleyman. I love the heavy barbell and the skill element mixed. I really like workouts with barbell cycling like DT or Grace. I like workouts with muscle-ups even though I am not great at them- It’s a challenge and I like pushing myself.
Last question, what’s your spirit animal? And, why?
Definitely a dog- specifically a golden retriever. I think dogs are just the best- they are always happy, love unconditionally and make you feel like you are the MVP. I think those are great qualities to aspire to!