September 3rd, 2015


September 3rd, 2015


Kristi and Trey

5 Rounds:

  • 50-Double Unders
  • 10-SDLHP (115/85)
  • 10-Burpees Over Barbell

Box Brief:

  1. Apollo Games registration is open!! Click Read more for the link. 
  2. The lurong Challenge starts on September 14th!!!! Go to link to sign up. 
  3. Modified schedule this Friday and next Monday. Check out our schedule to see. 

Apollo Games:

Click link to register. 

Event 1



For Time: 15 minute cut off

  • 50-Double Unders (each)
  • 50 total reps-Thrusters (men)/Front Squats (women) @115 lbs, same bar
  • 50-Double Unders (each)
  • 50 total reps-C2B Pull Ups
  • 50-Double Unders (each)
  • 50 total reps-Snatches (men)/Cleans (women) @115 lbs, same bar

**One athlete completes all 50 double unders, then switch.
**Besides double unders all other work is split however you choose. 50 total reps between two athletes. 

For Time: 15 minute cut off

  • 50-Lateral Jumps (each)
  • 50 total reps-Thrusters (men)/Front Squats (women) @85 lbs, same bar
  • 50-Lateral Jumps (each)
  • 50 total reps-Pull Ups/Partner Assisted Pull Ups
  • 50-Lateral Jumps (each)
  • 50 total reps-Snatches (men)/Cleans (women) @85 lbs, same bar

**One athlete completes all 50 double unders, then switch.

**Besides double unders all other work is split however you choose. 50 total reps between two athletes.