Sunday 6.12.2016
Box Brief:
We’re back to our normally scheduled Sunday blog! I want to first congratulate all of our Apollo athletes who competed at this weekend’s Barbell Brodown. A special shout out to Eddy, Suito and that other guy ( I forget his name) for finishing third overall against forty eight teams. Whether you crushed it at the gym this week or competed against some bros you’ve all earned some much needed rest. Which is this weeks topic! (Not a very good segue I know…) Rest is something that is often overlooked. You can dial in your nutrition and be very consistent at the gym but still find yourself dragging during workouts if you don’t allow your body to rest. Today’s article titled “No rest for the Foolish” will discuss this and much more, as always I hope you enjoy.
Find yourself eating the same dinner night after night? Why not try something different and healthy from my favorite chef Nick Massie. This week’s recipe is Thai Turkey Meatballs, taste tested and approved but I’ll be happy to try your’s when you make them.