Thursday 11.14.2019

“Odds Are Even”
20 Minute AMRAP: teams of 2
100 Meter Run
20 Lunges/Weighted Lunges (53/36)
20 KBS (53/36)
Athletes switch after each exercise is complete. For example: athlete 1 completes the run, athlete 2 completes lunges, athlete 1 completes KBS, etc.
Tomorrow’s Forecast:
Friday’s workout calls for double unders, burpees, dumbbell snatches, toes to bar, box jumps, and rope climbs.
Throwback of the Week:
Back in 2011 we were doing sprint drills which involved someone pulling you backward as you tried to sprint. Earlier in the day, Chad accidentally let go of the band when a member named Shawn was running. Chad felt so guilty that he allowed Zoey (Monte’s daughter) to deliver the punishment. She was too nervous, so papa Cole stepped in.