Thursday 11.28.2019

“Turkey WOD”
40 Minute AMRAP: teams of 3
Athlete 1 – 800 Meter run w/wall ball (20/14) = 25pts
Athlete 2 – Gymnastics
Athletes 3 – Barbell
20 Sit-ups = 2pts
1 Rope climb = 5pts
8 Pull-ups = 5pts
15 Push-ups = 5pts
20 KBS = 10pts
30 Air squats = 10pts
Deadlift (95/65) = 1pt
Power clean (95/65) = 2pts
C&J/Snatch (95/65) = 3pts
Thruster (95/65) = 3pts
Throwback of the Week:
A few years ago during the CrossFit Open we had the gym compete against each other through some extra credit tasks. Below are some highlights.