Tuesday 10.16.2018

“La-la Land”
4 Rounds:
1 Minute Row for calories
1 Minute Dumbbell step-ups (50/35) (24/20)
1 Minute Sit-ups
1 Minute 1-Arm dumbbell push press (50/35)
1 Minute Rest
Box Brief:
Weightlifting Clinic is this Thursday at 6:30pm. There are only 12 spots available so sign up fast. Cost is $20 (paid to Ricky). Our 6:30 and 7:30pm classes will be cancelled to accommodate.
This Saturday we will be heading to Floyd Lamb Park at 10am for some kick ball and a BBQ. All classes will be cancelled, so come out, bring the family and lets enjoy some amazing weather. We won’t have access to a grill, so bring food that is already cooked. Bring any main or side dish, the best dish will win any retail item at Apollo (t-shirt, protein, hat, etc.)

Sam P