Tuesday 4.5.2016


Tuesday 4.5.2016

5:30 class taking dynamics real serious

5:30 class taking dynamics real serious

For Time:
40 Pull-ups
50 KBS (53/36)
60 Sit-ups
70 Burpees

Coaches Note:

I have wanted to program this exact set of workouts since we first opened. Programming the same workout back to back is a true representation of what CrossFit is. Train for the unknown and unknowable. Most of our lives are repetitive and we face the same challenges every day. Here is our way of testing that inside the gym. This will be fun to see how many of you are able to beat yesterday’s score. 


Box Brief:
The 6:30am class started strong with four members. Lets see if we can up attendance in the next two days!

Weightlifting clinic is this Saturday at 11:30am. Sign up sheet is on the whiteboard. Cost is $20 and there are only 12 spots available. Sign up quick!

