Wednesday 2.13.2019

Every 90 Seconds for 21 Minutes:
1 Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch
Tabata x2
Side Plank
Push-up Plank (top & bottom)
Tomorrow’s Forecast:
Thursday’s workout calls for burpees, overhead lunges, and rowing.
Box Brief:
The Open is upon us! Starting next Thursday, CrossFit will release the first of 5 workouts for us to compete online with the worldwide CrossFit community. No matter what country, state or gym you belong to, we will all throw down to show off our hard work. Check out the video below to learn more.
Our schedule for this years Open is A LOT different than before.
Thursday – Goat Day
Friday – The Open workout will be programmed. All morning classes and open gym will Run normally. All night classes will be cancelled to make way for Friday Night Lights. We will have heats starting every 30 minutes beginning at 3:30pm with the final heat starting at 7:30pm. The 5pm heat will consist of only two athletes for our weekly throw down. This is very similar to last year where we will build up this match up throughout the week and invite everyone out to watch.
Saturday – Normal classes at 8:30 and 9:30am. There will be NO Open workouts done at this time.
Sunday – Closed
Monday – Two workouts will be programmed for athletes to choose from. Option A is The Open workout. Option B is another workout with a similar time domain.
We are getting rid of our in house team competition that we’ve done for the last few years. We felt it was time to switch it up a bit. This year we are playing BINGO!
For those that would like to participate, you can pick up a bingo card at the front desk and start earning squares. For every BINGO (5 consecutive squares) you will receive one raffle ticket. This is a maximum of 12 raffle tickets per person.
Athletes will submit their raffle tickets at the BBQ on the last Friday Night Lights of The Open.
Our raffle drawing will take place during the final Friday Night Lights potluck. You must be present to win.
There are three prizes in the drawing:
1st Ticket – 1 Month free membership
2nd Ticket – 2 Months free membership
3rd Ticket – 3 Months free membership