Wednesday 3.22.2017

Sarah C
15 Minute Clock
Every 3 Minutes complete
2 Rounds:
7 Thrusters (95/65)
3 Ring Muscle-ups
30 Double unders
Box Brief:
17.5 Extra Credit
One person from your team brings a friend to Bring A Friend Day and posts a picture on personal social media with your buddy. (15 Points)
Bring one dish to share for the Pot Luck this Friday at 4pm. Teams are limited to one dish. (15 Points) We will take votes on the best dishes and extra points will be awarded to the top finishers. 1st place (30 Points), 2nd place (20 Points), and 3rd place (10 Points).
Post a video of a pep talk to get your team ready for 17.5.