Wednesday 6.14.2023

Strict Press
3 x 5
Push Press
3 x 3
Push Jerk
3 x 1
Nutrition of the Week:
Stay Hydrated!
It’s starting to heat up outside, and if you want to perform at your best-you need to be on top of your hydration.
Contrary to popular belief, there is no exact data-based formula for how much you as an individual should drink to stay hydrated. A good guideline is to aim for about half your body weight in ounces each day, and/or to keep your urine a light yellow color. Ways to increase your water intake are to find a favorite water bottle that allows you to stay on track, add an electrolyte mix to one of your servings of water to help you drink more, or to make sure that you are having a glass of water with each meal or snack.
Staying hydrated is important for lots of reasons but the main ones are that it reduces the stress placed on the body by exercise, it reduces the amount of fatigue in the muscles as you exercise, and it helps you maintain your blood volume, helping you get blood back to your heart during exercise.
If you’d like to read more about hydration and performance, here’s a link to a short article: