


July 3rd, 2012

A) 1-1-1-1-1—Clean and Jerk

B)12 Minute AMRAP:

1,2,3,4,5,6…….. as far as you can Clean and Jerk (135/95)

1,2,3,4,5,6…….. as far as you can Box Jump (30/24)

Check out this article about our very own Dennis Cole (AKA Pops). We are so excited to see im compete in two weeks at the CrossFit Games. What a stud!!!!


!!!ANNOUNCMENT!!! Wednesday, July 4th we will only be having one WOD at 9AM. Not 11am like we have previously announced. Again 9AM

1 Response

  1. Jason and Justin are always siginng the praises of people who inspire by pushing their personal limits. It’s time to turn the tables. During the 4:30 class Justin knocked out a 3:16 Fran RX’d. Take a moment to digest that. I feel privileged to have witnessed it. Even though he will say otherwise, it looked effortless. Oh yeah and he beat his previous PR by something like 23 seconds. Holy Crap! Great job Justin.