


August 22nd, 2012

A) 1-1-1-1-1—- Hang Snatch+Overhead Squat

B) 12 Minute AMRAP

  • 15-Wall Balls (20/14)
  • 15-Box Jumps (24/20)

Apollo Games 12′ Event 2:

2:30 to find One Rep Max–Shoulder to Overhead

Apollo Games 12′ Event 3:

For Time:

  • 400 Meter Run (w/plate(45/25))
  • 50-Double Unders
  • 400 Meter Run (w/plate(45/25))
  • 40-Kettle Bell Snatches (54/45)
  • 400 Meter Run (w/plate(45/25))
  • 30-Burpees

For Time:

  • 400 Meter Run
  • 100-Singles
  • 400 Meter Run
  • 40-Kettle Bell Snatches (45/36)
  • 400 Meter Run
  • 30-Burpees

For Time:

  • 150 Meter Run
  • 50-Singles
  • 150 Meter Run
  • 40-Kettle Bells Swings (36/26)
  • 150 Meter Run
  • 30-Burpees

—–Important info—–

Every competitor needs to be here at 8am Saturday
morning. At 8:30 we will go over standards of movement and any question. 9am is
when the competition begins. The competition will end and award ceremony begins
at 3pm. You are responsible to warm yourself up and get ready for each WOD. If
you are not here for your event, you will be out of the competition. We will not
move you to another heat.

Also, our judges will be VERY strict on movement. So do
not argue with them. What they say goes and we will stand behind them.

Keep checking our Facebook for updates.

See you Saturday!


CrossFit Apollo Competition Saturday August 25th!!! There will be a $5 entry fee for members, $10 for non-members to cover prizes for the 3 male and 3 female winners. There are three different experience levels of competition so that everyone can participate.. We would like every single person in the gym to join the competition. It will be a potluck.

If you want to join in on the fun. You must RSVP before August 18th. Either come in and RSVP or email us at [email protected].