


September 8th, 2014
Team of 4
12 Minute AMRAP, 2 athletes alternating each round:

  • 30-Double Unders
  • 15-Snatches (75/55)
    12 Minute AMRAP, next 2 athletes alternating each round:

  • 30-Double Unders
  • 15-Snatches (75/55)

    Alright guys registration is finally live! Only Apollo members will be able to sign up this week. Registration will be open to all athletes starting next Monday. Apollo athletes, be sure to sign up this week at the discounted rate. Next Monday the price will increase. The 3rd event will be announced on Wednesday night.
    Click link to register-
    Apollo Games

    1.Paleo Challenge starts next Monday. Make sure you register now at http://www.lurongliving.com/challenge/. Once our affiliate gets 20 people registered the prizes increase greatly. For more info on the paleo diet use the link. The website explains everything in great detail. This Saturday we will weigh in, take measurements and answer any last minute questions.

    2.Apollo Member Appreciation Event is this Saturday, from 2pm-8pm. This will involve swimming, poker, pool and lots of fun. We will be providing the food and entertainment so don’t worry. Just bring your personality. There will be a sign up sheet at the front desk to help us get a head count. We encourage EVERYONE to come.