

Friday 8.23.2024

“Uppercut”5 Rounds:10 Dumbbell Step-ups (35s/25s) (20)5 Man Makers (35s/25s)-then-50 Unbroken Wall Balls (20/14)-or-70 Wall Balls (20/14) Recipe of the Week:Here is a little meal prep...
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Tuesday 8.20.2024

“Grand Adventure”For Time:2000/1800 Meters150 Sit-ups100 Box Jumps (24/20) Box Brief:Apollo Games registration is live! Welcome to the 13th annual Apollo Games! This year’s format...
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Monday 8.19.2024

“Five Along”5 Minute AMRAP:15/12 Calorie Row15 Push-ups2-Minute Rest 5 Minute AMRAP:10 Ring Rows10 Burpees2-Minute Rest 5 Minute AMRAP:5 Cleans (165/115)5 Dumbbell Strict Press (50s/35s) Quote...
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Wednesday 8.14.2024

“Focus”5, 2 Minute Clocks:5 Squat Clean and JerksMax Ring Rows2-Minute Rest Box Brief:People can still sign up for the nutrition challenge until Thursday!

Tuesday 8.13.2024

Romanian Deadlifts5 x 5 “No Chill”3 Rounds:200 Meter Run30 Kettlebell Swings (53/36) Box Brief:People can still sign up for the nutrition challenge until Thursday!