Friday 9.9.2016


Friday 9.9.2016


5 Minute AMRAP:
10 Power snatches (95/65)
10 Bar facing burpees


5 Minute AMRAP:
15 Power snatches (115/80)
15 Bar facing burpees


5 Minute AMRAP:
30 Power snatches (135/95)
30 Bar facing burpees

Box Brief:
Congrats to Elizabeth Gehrmann for being the September Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Elizabeth.

Elizabeth G.

Elizabeth G.

Elizabeth! Congratulations on being our Member of the Month! Quick! What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of CrossFit?!
The first thing that comes to mind is community. I love getting to know everyone and all the support! It’s pretty awesome to see people reach their goals while also reaching your own goals, all within a supportive environment.  Everyone has been so helpful and I appreciate it more than anyone could imagine.  So that was kind of cheesy, but I’ve gotten so much more out of crossfit than just being in good shape.

Being a mom is hard work. How do you balance the chaos of life and still make time for yourself?
I do crossfit! That one hour is my time to myself.  I get to recharge and feel like I accomplished something only for me.  I have two boys and our youngest one has had some major health problems.  When I first joined a crossfit gym at our last assignment in Utah, he had just gotten off of oxygen and I was terrified to leave him for very long.  The gym I joined had a great group of ladies that watched him for me.  At that point, it was the first time in two years when I had done anything but care for him full time, around the clock.  It meant so much.  So when I saw kid jail at Apollo, I knew it was the gym for me.  Apollo people have helped me clean up his puke (I remember each and every one of you who helped), inspired me to change up his diet from typical g-tube formula to a whole food blended diet (which has pretty much fixed the puking), and have helped me through some really difficult times, especially last Fall during his follow ups with new doctors here in the area.  He is doing really well now with his new diet and we are working diligently on his speech and eating.  Life has gotten much easier at home (and at the gym), and I think a lot of that is because I make that time for myself.  You really do have to fight for the time though, and everyone who knows me is aware that I’m a whole lot nicer if I workout

What’s your favorite style of workout (style, movements, anything really), and what’s your least favorite?
My favorite style of workout is anything that involves lifting a barbell. I had never picked one up until about two years ago and it changed my life.  My least favorite workouts are your soul crushing EMOMs.  Seriously, that needs to stop.  Just kidding, I probably need to do them more often. Not that I want more EMOMs….

What would you say is your biggest accomplishment in the gym?
My biggest accomplishment happened this past week when I Rx’d Fran. I had been working on pull-ups for a few months and had only done them one time during a workout (at half reps).  Somehow I managed to get them done and not die.  I have done Fran twice before.  The first time was when I first started crossfit with just the bar and jumping pullups.  The second time was with 45lbs and jumping pullups.  I was pretty happy to be able to do the real workout this time!

Would you rather live in a beautiful cabin deep in the forest, or…in an amazing house on the beach?
I would definitely rather live on the beach.  I love the ocean, especially if I get to have a boat to dive off of and fish from.

What’s the wallpaper on your phone right now?
The wallpaper on my phone is a picture of my husband right after he got back from his deployment just over a year ago. It was so good to finally see him!  He has a gross mustache in the picture but he did have to grow it to be bulletproof like the great Gen. Robin Olds.  It worked and he shaved it soon after getting home.  I don’t have to see it again until March.

Would you rather…win $1,000,000,000 or be able to fly?
I would rather win the money I think, unless I would turn out like those people who win the lottery and lose their minds. I’d like to be more like Oprah and say stuff like “you get a car! And you get a car!”