Monday 1.30.2023

“Talladega Nights”
24 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1 – 10 Strict Pull-ups
Minute 2 – 12 Dumbbell Step-ups (50’s/35’s)(20)
Minute 3 – 10 Burpees + 20 Double Unders
Quote of the Week:
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
Robert Louis Stevenson
Box Brief:
So proud of our Apollo Community showing up BIG yesterday at CrossFit Culmination in the Las Vegas Proving Grounds competition. We had over 10 teams compete with a HUGE amount of support from our community who came out to cheer them on! Congrats to all competitors for their dedication in preparation and courage in testing themselves in front of their local community. Hell yeah! Congrats to those who made the podium! We took 2nd and 3rd in both the RX and Intermediate female divisions as well as 1st place in the RX men’s division. Great job Apollo!