Monday 12.18.2023

Back Squat
5 x 3 @ 75% with 3-4 second pause at the bottom
“Days of Thunder”
3 Rounds:
50 Double Unders
25 Kettlebell Swings (53/36)
50 Foot Kettlebell Overhead Walking Lunge (53/36) (25 feet each side)
90 Second Rest
Christmas Schedule:
Saturday, December 23rd – 8:30 & 9:30
Monday, December 25th – Christmas Day – Closed
Box Brief:
Congrats to Lea for being the December Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Lea.

So where are you from originally and what brought you to Vegas?
I grew up in a suburb called Souderton about an hour north from Philadelphia. After two years as a civilian nurse, I commissioned into the Air Force as an ER Nurse and was stationed at Nellis in 2021.
What do you love most about living here? What do you miss most about “home”?
I hate the cold so honestly the weather here is the best. And I’ll never get over driving around the mountains every day. I miss long runs through the city, Eagles tailgates at the Linc, and summer car rides down the Jersey Shore.
Outside of CrossFit what activites do you enjoy?
Honestly, most of my life is the gym and work. On my off days I love to spend time with my friends whether it’s coffee dates, walking around Summerlin, or convincing them to go on a hard hike or ruck with me.
Folks may not realize you work in the Emergency Room. What is something you enjoy about working in that environment? What are some of the challenges?
In the ER we are best at being “jacks of all trades, and masters at none.” It’s a fast paced and chaotic environment where you are challenged at keeping your cool everyday. Which is also the worst part of the job—it can get pretty mentally demanding.
Because of the nature of your job you are constantly rotating shifts. How do you make fitness and nutrition a priority under these conditions?
It’s definitely challenging but I make sure to plan out my workouts around my work schedule as far in advance as I can.. I try to give myself grace after long shifts and am just happy to get to the gym and move. On days that I’m off, I try to push a little harder. I am known to get hangry at work so I make sure to bring enough food for the day which takes a little bit of prep and planning on off days.
What would you say to someone interested in CrossFit?
TRY IT! I am a huge advocate for CrossFit because it can be tailored to all skill levels. Apollo is my happy place. Find a community you love showing up to everyday. Enjoy the journey, it’s so fun.
Now for some silly questions.
What two nonessential items would you want if you were shipwrecked on a deserted island?
First – protein bars – I get hangry QUICK and I love snacking. Second – coffee, a daily non-negotiable for me.
Are eagles fans just aggressive by nature or because they are eagles fans?
Eagles fans are loyal, gritty, and so fricken passionate. Philly has the best sports fans in the world, no questions asked. The passion for the City is mistaken for aggression…. Go Birds!