Monday 4.2.2018

“Yin and Yang”
15 Minute AMRAP:
25 Sit-ups
20 KBS (53/36)
10 Strict pull-ups
Box Brief:
Registration is Live!! Go to link in our profile and sign up for our next 6 Week Nutrition Challenge. https://crossfitapollo.sites.zenplanner.com/event.cfm… We’ve talked to many who believe they can outwork their bad nutrition habits. These same individuals hit plateaus in their training until they decide to take a deeper look into their food intake and sleep routine. Its time to take control and get back on track! Our last group crushed it! Now its your turn.
Weightlifting clinic is this Saturday at 11am. Sign up sheet is on the front desk. Cost is $20 (paid to Ricky). Sign up quick! There are only 12 spots available.
