Monday 5.1.2023

Back Squat
4 x 3 @RPE 8.5
“The Limit”
3 Rounds:
400 Meter Run
30 Hand Release Push-ups
Quote of the Week:
“You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.”
Ayn Rand
Box Brief:
Hell Week will kick off on Memorial day with Murph. Memorial week programming will include only hero workouts. Hero workouts are named after men and women who have lost their lives protecting our freedoms and ensuring our safety in this beautiful country. These workouts are always more challenging than our typical CrossFit workouts. Expect Hell Week to challenge you both mentally and physically. You can pre-order our new Hell Week T-shirt at the front desk. For those who complete all 5 days worth of workouts next week will earn the “I Survived Hell Week” badge on their t-shirt. It doesn’t matter if you scale any workout. You just need to finish. Let’s do this!