September 1st, 2015


September 1st, 2015

5 Rounds:

  • 20-Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25)
  • 15-T2B
  • 10 Meter Handstand Walk

Box Brief:

  1. Apollo Games registration is open!! Click Read more for the link. 

Apollo Games:

Click link to register. 

Event 1



For Time: 15 minute cut off

  • 50-Double Unders (each)
  • 50 total reps-Thrusters (men)/Front Squats (women) @115 lbs, same bar
  • 50-Double Unders (each)
  • 50 total reps-C2B Pull Ups
  • 50-Double Unders (each)
  • 50 total reps-Snatches (men)/Cleans (women) @115 lbs, same bar

**One athlete completes all 50 double unders, then switch.
**Besides double unders all other work is split however you choose. 50 total reps between two athletes. 

For Time: 15 minute cut off

  • 50-Lateral Jumps (each)
  • 50 total reps-Thrusters (men)/Front Squats (women) @85 lbs, same bar
  • 50-Lateral Jumps (each)
  • 50 total reps-Pull Ups/Partner Assisted Pull Ups
  • 50-Lateral Jumps (each)
  • 50 total reps-Snatches (men)/Cleans (women) @85 lbs, same bar

**One athlete completes all 50 double unders, then switch.

**Besides double unders all other work is split however you choose. 50 total reps between two athletes.