Thursday 10.17.2024

3 Sets:
6-8 Supinated Strict Pullup (:2 down)
12-15 Dual Dumbbell Bicep Curl (:2 down)
6-8 Handstand Push-up Negatives (:2 down)
Rest 90 Seconds
3 Sets:
6-8/side Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press (:2 down)
8-12 Strict Ring Dip (:2 down)
12-15 Dumbbell Upright Row (:2 down)
Rest 90 Seconds
12 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1 – :40 Seconds Max Double Unders (T1 Single Unders)
Minute 2 – :40 Seconds Max Ring Rows
Minute 3 – :40 Seconds Max Hollow Rocks
Meme of the Week: