Wednesday 1.26.2022


Wednesday 1.26.2022


“Move Along”
30 Minute Clock:

5 Minutes – Single Dumbbell Step-up (50/35) (24/20)
5 Minutes – Row for Calories
4 Minutes – Single Dumbbell Devil Presses
4 Minutes – Row for Calories
3 Minutes – Single Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
3 Minutes – Row for Calories
2 Minutes – Single Dumbbell Thrusters
2 Minutes – Row for Calories
1 Minutes – Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell
1 Minutes – Row for Calories

Tomorrow’s Forecast:
Run – Snatch – Dips – Push Press – Sit-ups

Recovery of the Week:
It starts with our nutrition! Keep pushing to stay consistent during this Wellness Challenge. Here is your video reminder to make it a priority!