Wednesday 10.18.2023

5 Rounds Not for Time:
10 Strict Press
10 Bent Over Row
10 Supinated Pull-ups
:30 Double Under Sprint
Nutrition of the Week:
Now what??The Apollo Games are behind us, and we’ve got 9 Sundays until Christmas eve!!!
So, now what?
It’s a tricky time of year because what lies between now and the first of the year are lots of holiday parties, treats, and for some of us, alcohol. If you are thinking about doing a short fat loss cycle, starting at the end of this month, and ending right before Thanksgiving on November 23rd would be best. Get it done, and then slowly add calories back in between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
What would be even better would be to continue fueling yourself with healthy foods, in the right portions until the end of the year while planning out a few treats along the way-keeping your weight stable within 2-3 lbs of where you are right now. This alone will require discipline and focus, so don’t feel like you are taking the easy way out. Staying the course allows you to partake in holiday fun, but also not put on extra weight. You can also take this time to plan out some actionable goals for yourself for the Open and/or for your fitness for the new year.
If you need help with any of this, including planning out your fat loss cycles for the next few months, let me know!